Thanks to everyone who took part in our 2019 Planit user survey. The purpose of the survey was to measure customer satisfaction with the usability and content of the Planit website and to identify areas for further development or improvement.
The survey results were based on 125 responses, highlights include:
- 96% of respondents indicated that Planit was easy or fairly easy to use
- 82% to 93% of respondents found specific tools very useful or useful
- 96% of respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with Planit
- 86% of respondents indicated that Planit meets all or most of their career information needs.
The most popular and useful resources on Planit include:
- college and university Information including course outlines
- career information
- job profiles.
Our tools to support career education which includes My strengths tool, Easy CV and Subject Choice scored highly on usefulness with 82% to 93% of users indicating that these tools were useful or very useful.
We asked for ideas on how Planit could be improved, there were few suggestions for improvement. Those comments which were provided indicate that we should continue to increase video content, consider the site design making more use of graphics where possible and increase the range of career tools available to users.
Overall we are delighted that the survey demonstrates that Planit continues to be a useful resource, which continues to meet the career education needs of our users.