Published annually each September, Careers in Scotland is a comprehensive directory of full time courses at Scottish colleges and universities. There is also useful information on job market trends, career pathways, going to college and university and finance for studying. It’s widely used by schools, colleges, libraries and other centres of careers and educational information across Scotland.
Careers in Scotland

Careers in Scotland covers all course levels, from Access, National Certificate (NC) and Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) to Higher National Diplomas (HND) and degrees and includes detailed entry requirements. These are grouped into 25 broad career areas.
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Subject Career Posters

In addition to Careers in Scotland, we also produce a collection of free career posters for SQA subjects. These can be downloaded in A4 size here.
It should be the first book ordered for any careers adviser or careers library. Theresa Jennow, Careers Conversations