Current Covid restrictions mean that the availability of quality online learning materials for young people is more important than ever.
Gateway provide a range of tools that can support online work related learning for young people which can be accessed in school or at home

Workit Careers is a flexible programme which can be completed online in school or at home. It is designed to be completed in 3 simple stages.
EXPLORE - Enables young people to identify their personal qualities, interests, skills and strengths in relation to careers. They will also explore a range of different career areas to decide which ones to research further in the next stage.
PLAN - Enables young people to research specific careers in detail, build knowledge of the career sector and develop their key skills. Our team has curated and produced hundreds of resources, allowing young people to watch videos, read online information and undertake work related activities, giving them a comprehensive insight into their careers of interest. This research gives them the information they need to complete a Career Plan of Action for their chosen career.
WORK PLACEMENT - Complete a virtual or onsite work placement.
To benefit from all that Workit Careers offers, your pupils will need to login with their Workit username and password at Workit Careers - Workit.
Want to find out more go to Workit Careers - Workit and select Work Placement from the Sections menu to see what's available.
Job Seeking Skills
This tool is designed to be flexible and easy to use, for both young people completing it and those delivering it as part of a lesson or training session. The content and activities are designed to help young people identify their skills and strengths and confidently handle job seeking and the recruitment process.
The format is modular, split into four parts, focussing on different aspects of job seeking from where to look for work, applying for jobs and attending interviews, through to starting work .
The modules include activities, designed to help young people develop the key knowledge and skills required to look for work and handle the recruitment process confidently. These can be completed online or downloaded.
If you are a teacher or trainer working with a group, there are useful notes available, making it easy to deliver modules as part of a lesson. You can also download a Job Seeking Skills Overview, which lists all modules and estimated times for completion.

Our popular careers website Planit provides comprehensive career and learning information for young people aged 13 to 19. Parents and teachers can also use this resource to support their children and pupils in making important decisions about their future.
With around 700 comprehensive and up to date job profiles, information on all Scottish college and university courses and a range of interactive tools, Planit supports young people at all stages of their learning and career pathway.