2nd February 2022

We need your help!

The team at Gateway are currently undertaking a complete redesign of our work placement software – Workit.

Our aim is to redevelop the software to be more flexible, intuitive and deliver a personalised approach for young people undertaking a work placement. We also want it to look great, have simple processes, and be easy to use.

We are seeking volunteers to join our user groups to collaborate on the design, functionality, usability and reporting structure of Workit.

We are really excited about this project, but we need your input to ensure we deliver the best product possible. We need users of the system and colleagues who have responsibility for Careers Education/Work Placement programmes within their authority to share your knowledge and expertise and help shape the new Workit.

Participation in the user groups will be flexible, the time commitment will be entirely dependent on your own availability and your area of expertise and we hope to have as wide a representation as possible, from schools, local authority leads and delivery partners.

Please express your interest by completing a registration form and the team will follow up with an invitation to our first meeting which is likely to be in March 2022.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the user groups in more detail please don’t hesitate to contact Jacqui McBride at jmcbride@ceg.org.uk