31st January 2023

It’s subject choice time for many pupils across Scotland - the first step in thinking about a career pathway. We have a number of useful resources on our Planit website, which look at subject choice in different ways, to support your pupils with this important decision.

Subject Choice Tool

This interactive tool is suitable for pupils entering S3 to S6. It allows them to:

  • choose what level of qualification they would ultimately like to study to
  • choose up to 10 subjects, depending on their year
  • view careers and job profiles relating to their choices.

If they have a Planit Portfolio account, they can even save up to six combinations of subjects.

Explore the Subject Choice tool.

Career Pathways

Career Pathways are our one page infographics, available for 25 Career areas, and enable young people to see what careers a subject can lead to and the academic or vocational routes available. In addition, they can also see which life skills, qualities and interests are helpful for these careers.

Explore these by National subject, career area, or see the full list.

Subject Career List

This is a simple tool that pupils can use to explore what careers subjects can lead to. They can select a curricular area, a subject and then explore the related job profiles. It doesn’t have to take too much time and pupils can look at as much or little as and when they choose.

Take a look at the Subject Career List.

Wider Planit Resources

In addition to specific tools for subject choice, Planit has a wealth of other information and interactive quizzes to help pupils think about their career pathway.

  • Scottish College and University courses - a comprehensive, searchable list of all courses and information on each institution.
  • CourseMatch – pupils answer questions on their career interests and are given suggestions on courses of interest.
  • CareerMatch – pupils answer questions on their general interests and are provided with career sectors that match.
  • Career Plan of Action – an interactive worksheet that helps pupils to set out their career goals and the targets they need to meet to make them a reality.