22nd June 2023

Thanks to everyone who took part in our 2023 Planit user survey. The purpose of the survey was to measure customer satisfaction with the usability and content of the Planit website and to identify areas for further development or improvement.

The survey results demonstrate that Planit is continuing to provide an excellent service to its users, the majority of whom are school students, and that the website meets their career education needs.

We had 139 responses from 24 Scottish local authorities.

Ratings were high for ease of use, usefulness of resources and satisfaction with summary of response rates received as follows:

  • 81% of respondents were school students
  • 83% of respondents found out about Planit through a teacher or careers adviser
  • 86% of respondents found the learning/education resources on Planit Very useful or Quite useful with the most popular being Careers Pathways
  • 79% of respondents found career resources on Planit Very useful or Quite useful with the most popular being job profiles
  • almost 50% of respondents have a Planit Portfolio
  • the majority of respondents find the Portfolio tools Very useful or Quite useful with the most popular being My Skills and CareerMatch
  • only 57% of respondents use video content on Planit but this is mainly due to time restraints within class or YouTube being blocked
  • 89% of respondents indicated that Planit meets all or most of their career information needs.

We asked for suggestions on how Planit could be improved. There were very few improvement suggestions with many users indicating that Planit did not require improvement, but it was suggested we:

  • improve the look/design
  • improve navigation
  • add more career tools.

Your feedback was appreciated and we are delighted with the results which demonstrate that Planit continues to be a highly valued and useful careers resource for young people. We have already taken comments on board and have streamlined our menus to help with navigation and have added some new resources. Keep an eye out for more coming soon!