13th May 2024

It’s been a busy couple at months here at Gateway, with the addition of three new staff members joining our work placement service. Donna from MCR Pathways, Lauran from DYW Glasgow and Colette from Glasgow Clyde College are a fantastic addition to the team, and we welcome the skills and knowledge they bring to Gateway. This means that we now have two amazing teams: Schools Liaison and Business Liaison. Our schools team will be getting in touch soon to meet with the work placement coordinators in your schools. So that just leaves our business team…

Who are the Business Liaison Team and what do they do?

It is our Business Liaison Officers’ role to canvass businesses and organisations to encourage them to offer work placements to young people across Scotland. All young people are entitled to a work placement and the more businesses that sign up, the better the opportunities and their career education will be.

How can we work better together for the benefit of young people?

We know the great work that goes on in schools: the career events and fairs, enterprise competitions, the workplace visits to name but a few. You will have worked with some pretty great businesses and this is where we need your help. If you think any of these businesses would be interested in offering young people a work placement then please let us know. Offering placements through Gateway is really simple: placements are flexible and can be at times and days that suit the business. It’s a very straightforward process and if you have any queries you can contact our team and they will be happy to help. Every school has an allocated link worker from Gateway and every local authority area has a Business Liaison Officer assigned.

The businesses you work with could also benefit: from identifying potential future employees and engaging with the local community, to boosting their reputation and enhancing staff development.

If you think you know a business that might be interested in offering a work placement, please contact the Business Liaison Team:

Joyce O’Neill jaoneil@ceg.org.uk

John Prior jprior@ceg.org.uk

Lauran King lking@ceg.org.uk