By now our partners should have received their copies of Careers in Scotland. Please get in touch if you haven’t received yours.
Careers in Scotland is a comprehensive directory of full time courses at Scottish colleges and universities covering all levels, from Access, NC and SVQ to HND and degree programmes. Detailed entry requirements, including widening access, are included. For ease of use courses are grouped into 25 broad career areas.
You'll also find useful articles on career area trends, advice on going to college or university, finance for studying, and our popular career pathways. We have also added QR codes at the start of each section which takes you to that section on Planit.
We hope you find this a useful resource and welcome any feedback to nwelch@ceg.org.uk
If you would like to buy a copy click below putting October2024 in Address 3 field for 10% off. Discount will be taken off before invoice is sent out.