The team are currently working in collaboration with Colin Black from Carjon-NRJ, Andrew Ritchie from DYW Aberdeenshire Council, SPE Aberdeen and OEUK and its member employers to develop a new Offshore Energy section in Planit. The aim is to promote the diverse range of careers in this industry and identify pathways into each career. This includes 30 new inspirational career videos produced by Energy Insider.
Colin has supported career activities in schools for over 25 years and wanted to inspire the next generation to think about a career in such a dynamic and diverse sector. The offshore energy industry is rapidly evolving to reflect changes in our energy supplies as we turn to more renewable sources as well as traditional roles on the oil and gas platforms.
The group feel that Planit is the most accurate and up-to-date resource of careers, learning and school information covering all traditional career areas, and so they decided they wanted to partner with Gateway on this project.
There is a wide range of job roles within the offshore energy sector, so whatever subjects a young person is interested in, it’s highly likely there will be an exciting career for them. It could be in engineering or science, digital and technology or business.
The new career area is split into seven career sectors so you can see the diverse range of careers available.
- Business, Management, Admin and Support
- Digital and Technology
- Engineers and Engineering Operatives and Technicians
- Environment, Health and Safety
- Offshore Based
- Subsurface Scientists
- Transport and Logistics
Stage two of the project is still under development. This is an Offshore Energy section under the Careers tab of Planit. This will go into more detail about the industry as a whole.
“Planit is a world class school career platform so our challenge was to bring the whole Offshore Energy sector together in a way we have never truly done before and the feedback from schools and Career Advisors about the new section has been extremely positive with Planit Offshore Energy career area seen as a key resource to compliment the excellent functionality already on Planit” – Colin Black, Carjon-NRG